Elon Musk’s Nine-minute-long Flight Sparks Tesla ‘Eco-Friendly’ Ideology Debate

Elon Musk simply cannot stay out of the news, and the world’s richest man is now being chastised for contributing to the planet’s carbon impact. Why? Mr Billionaire, it turns out, flew from San Jose, California, to San Francisco in nine minutes.

Elon Musk’s air movement is tracked by the young man who maintains the ‘Elon Jet’ Twitter page/a>, who shared the discovery on the microblogging website with the caption, “Arrived in San Francisco, California, United States. Flight time is around 9 minutes.”

Tycoon SpaceX and Tesla proprietor Elon Musk has been marked “wiped out, flighty and unsuitable” for requiring a nine-minute trip in his personal luxury plane.

The robotized Twitter bot @ElonJet showed Musk’s personal luxury plane arriving in San Francisco, California subsequent to being airborne for under ten minutes, when the drive would have been under 60 minutes.

“Elon Musk’s personal luxury plane just went on a nine-minute flight yet you better not put some unacceptable kind of plastic in your reusing,” kept in touch with one Twitter client.

Notwithstanding, apparently Musk’s short flight was important for a bigger excursion. Subsequent to arriving in San Francisco a similar Twitter page shows that Musk took off once more and traveled to Austin, Texas, a three-hour flight.

Elon Musk, who as of late purchased Twitter, has four personal luxury planes enlisted in his

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Elon Musk, who as of late purchased Twitter, has four personal luxury planes enlisted in his name, as per The Sun.

As indicated by the BBC, fossil fuel byproducts from personal luxury planes are altogether more terrible than some other type of transportation.

Quite possibly the most famous models for instance, the Cessna Citation XLS, consumes 189 gallon (857 liters) of avionics fuel an hour by and large.

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) expresses 2.52kg of carbon dioxide is transmitted for each liter of avionics turbine fuel consumed.

“You should estimate the carbon emissions for each flight and include in the tweets,” wrote one user under Sweeney’s tweet.

“Sick. Irresponsible. Unacceptable,” wrote another user.

There were some users who took a jab at Tesla for trying to promote an ‘eco-friendly’ ideology while its founder and CEO is taking nine-minute flight journeys.

According to reports, Musk had offered Sweeney a sum of $5,000 for stopping tracking his jets, but it was reported that his offer was rejected, and the 19-year-old had demanded $50,000 instead.

Others mocked him.

A few months ago, Elon Musk blocked Jack Sweeney on Twitter after the young man created a Twitter bot that tracks the billionaire’s Gulfstream private jet, and posts real-time updates of its location from publicly available data.

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