Amber Heard May Be Bankrupt After Losing Judgment Against Johnny Depp

The actress has 30 years to pay Johnny’s money. What happens if she can’t pay?
After the verdict of the defamation trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard became known, which caused the actors to share their shocking testimonies for 6 weeks, Amber Heard could be bankrupt, according to experts.

When she lost the case, she was ordered to pay over 8 million dollars to her ex-husband!
Amber Heard
And that, considering that she hasn’t even ended her financial commitments to groups like the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), to which she promised to contribute the money received from her divorce from Johnny, doesn’t make for a very good scenario for the actress.

Although Amber Heard has 30 years to pay the bill for Depp, if she doesn’t have the cash, she could be forced to sell assets, including a $570,000 Yucca Valley country home and a Range Rover.

However, according to attorney Sandra Spurgeon of the Spurgeon Law Group in Lexington, Kentucky, Johnny Depp could either forgo that money or negotiate a smaller amount.

Amber Heard
Another option, if he forces her to pay the full amount, is for the actress to file an appeal for damages with a new judge and this could work in her favor, but she would still have to file the full amount on appeal, which could force her to declare bankruptcy.

A third option, according to CBS News legal contributor Jessica Levinson, is to use his future earnings, which would mean that a portion of his salary from future movies or TV shows could be transferred to Depp until the full amount is paid. . .

But considering that Hollywood pundits think the actress is unlikely to be cast in significant roles after being indicted for defamation, Amber Heard’s financial and professional outlook doesn’t look too optimistic.

After being found liable for defamation against Johnny Depp, Amber Heard may be out of the movie Aquaman 2, which is scheduled for release in March 2023. After the verdict in a Fairfax court, Amber Heard has to pay Depp a compensation of 15 million dollars, although, due to the punitive damages item, the state limit makes the amount $10.35 million.

As if that wasn’t enough, Amber Heard was confirmed to reprise her role as Mera in the movie Aquaman 2. The actress filmed most of her character scenes during the fall of 2021 in London, but all the sequences can be eliminated. According to several reports in the United States, the production company Warner Bros. may leave her out as a direct consequence of the trial.

What would be the reason to remove Amber Heard’s scenes as Mera in Aquaman 2? According to the source close to Warner Bros., company executives would not risk including her in the film, after the media commotion generated in the trial with Johnny Depp.

In fact, in something that would strengthen this version, Amber Heard had already pointed out during the trial that her role as Mera in the sequel had been reduced due to the legal conflict with the actor; whereas she had a leading role in the first film. In fact, Amber Heard’s screen time in this movie would already be less than that of Jason Momoa, who has the role of Aquaman.

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