‘Crocodile tears’: Jury tells why Amber Heard lost lawsuit to Johnny Depp

A member of the jury that decided the case between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard gave an interview to the American TV network in which he gave details about the reasons that made the jurors choose the version told by the actor.

Actress Amber Heard while testifying in defamation trial against Johnny Depp, her ex-partner Michael REYNOLDS/AFP

The program “Good Morning America” ​​aired the story, but without revealing the name, image or voice of the judge. It is only known that he is one of the five men present on the jury, which also included two women. The jury sentenced Amber to pay $10.35 million to her ex-husband, who was also ordered to pay lesser damages, in the range of $2 million.

Amber Heard hears final verdict in case against Depp
Image: Reproduction/Law&Crime Network

According to the juror, the members of the jury were uncomfortable with the statement of the actress.

“The crying, the facial expressions, the look at the jury… We were all very uncomfortable. She would answer a question and cry, and two seconds later she would be completely frozen. Some of us used the expression ‘crocodile tears'” , said the source.

One of the jurors in the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial spoke for the first time on Thursday and criticized the actress’ claims that the jury was “hypnotized” by the fact that her ex-husband is famous and said the verdict was “unfair”. . After nearly two months in Fairfax County Courthouse, Virginia (USA), the jury’s decision was unanimous and in Depp’s favor . Heard calling him a “sexual abuser” was considered to be defamation. The jury also found that the actress’ accusations in the Washington Post publication were malicious.

In an interview with “Good Morning America”, the man who preferred to remain anonymous defended the jury’s decision to find her guilty because, according to him, the jurors would only follow the evidence. In addition, the jury member said that everyone was “uncomfortable” with the way Amber Heard looked at them and that the actress’ emotional outbursts made it more difficult to believe what she was saying.

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“The crying, the facial expressions, the look at the jury… We were all very uncomfortable,” the man said.

During the conversation, the juror denied the allegation made by the artist that it was a “trial by social networks”. He countered the comment by claiming that three of the seven jury members do not maintain Facebook or Twitter accounts . Since she lost the trial, Heard has repeatedly suggested that Depp only won because he is “more famous and likable” than she is.

“A lot of her story doesn’t add up… Most of the jury felt that she was the aggressor. […] She would answer a question and she would cry and two seconds later she would freeze…”, he said. “Some of us used the expression ‘crocodile tears’.”

He also said he doesn’t believe the claim that Depp hit Heard.

According to the juror, one of the moments that made him believe in the innocence of the actor happened when she revealed that she had not donated the $ 7 million from the divorce settlement to charity, as the actress had publicly claimed.

Following 23 days of declaration that laid out clashing photos of a turbulent Hollywood marriage, legal counselors for Johnny Depp and Amber Heard conveyed their end contentions on Friday, looking to convince the jury that their client had been the individual who was mishandled and maligned.

Mr. Depp’s legal counselors stated that their celebrity client had been dishonestly defamed in a Washington Post commentary in which Ms. Heard alluded to herself as a “well known individual addressing homegrown maltreatment.”

The allegations of spousal maltreatment that she was referring to, the attorneys contended, had demolished Mr. Depp’s life.


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“We request that you give Mr. Depp his life back by telling the world that Mr. Depp isn’t the victimizer Ms. Heard said he is,” a legal counselor for Mr. Depp, Camille Vasquez, said, “and hold Ms. Heard responsible for her falsehoods.”

Ms. Heard’s legal counselors countered that not exclusively were the allegations and the commentary totally evident, however during official procedures in 2020, the entertainer was unreasonably censured when an attorney, who addressed Mr. Depp at that point, called her maltreatment allegations a deception.

“In Mr. Depp’s reality, you don’t leave Mr. Depp, and on the off chance that you do, he will begin a mission of worldwide embarrassment against you,” contended a legal counselor for Ms. Heard, Ben Rottenborn.

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Presently, the case is in the possession of seven legal hearers who thought until Friday night and passed on the Fairfax County Circuit Court with guidelines to return on Tuesday.

The preliminary has drawn far reaching consideration in light of the fact that the procedures have been both broadcast and livestreamed through a couple of cameras in the court, a unique case in Virginia. On one YouTube channel web based the procedures, called Law and Crime Network, more than 1,000,000 clients were accounted for to watch.

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There has been fierce opposition to fill the public seats in the court, with onlookers — the majority of them fanatics of Mr. Depp — arranging around midnight to get a spot. On Friday morning, around 150 individuals held up in line to get into the court, with hundreds seriously coating a close by street, some of them dressed as Mr. Depp’s film characters.

Peyton Elmendorf, a 27-year-old Depp fan, said that when she previously caught wind of Ms. Heard’s allegations, she had doubts about safeguarding the entertainer given the #MeToo development. In any case, presently, subsequent to hearing other of the entertainer’s better halves talk emphatically about him, she said she felt sure voicing her help.

“I realized he didn’t make it happen,” she said.

Dwarfed external the town hall, however unpersuaded, Dan Kim, 26, discreetly held a sign close by that said “I stand with Amber.” He referred to it as “perfectly clear” that Mr. Depp had mishandled Ms. Heard.

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Allies of Mr. Depp outside the town hall on Friday.
Allies of Mr. Depp outside the town hall on Friday.Credit…Craig Hudson/Associated Press

At last, the jury should think about the veracity and reputational effect of a restricted arrangement of explanations. Be that as it may, the six-week preliminary has incorporated declaration about a huge swath of supposed occurrences from Mr. Depp and Ms. Heard’s marriage.

Ms. Heard has charged Mr. Depp of rehashed actual maltreatment that she said frequently concurred with medication and liquor use and started with his blaming her for unfaithfulness. She has likewise claimed a few examples of rape — including an allegation that he attacked her with a container in Australia in 2015.

Golden Heard, conversing with one of her legal advisors during the procedures on Friday.
Golden Heard, conversing with one of her legal advisors during the procedures on Friday.Credit…Pool Photo through Steve Helber/Reuters

Mr. Depp has denied truly hitting or physically attacking Ms. Heard and has depicted her as the attacker in the relationship, reviewing savagery from her all through their relationship, as well as irate rants and disparaging ridiculing. Ms. Heard has denied hitting Mr. Depp besides with regards to herself or her sister.

Declaration about the occurrences frequently elaborate shocking subtleties: questioned undertakings with famous people, spray painting written in blood and a missing piece of Mr. Depp’s finger that constrained the fifth “Privateers of the Caribbean” film to stop creation.

In spreading out the features of their proof, Mr. Depp’s attorneys helped the jury to remember observers who said they didn’t see wounds on Ms. Heard around the times she revealed having them, showed a photograph of him with a “shiner” that he said she gave him and replayed sound of contentions between the alienated couple in which Ms. Heard concedes to having hit Mr. Depp. In one brief snippet, Ms. Heard can heard say, “I began an actual battle,” testing her case that she just hit Mr. Depp as a protection. (Ms. Heard affirmed that in those occurrences, she hit him in light of his own animosity.)

His group additionally highlighted occurrences where there were no clinical records or photos to support her claims of misuse.

“The ‘pile of proof’ that Mr. Depp manhandled Ms. Heard is essentially not there,” Ms. Vasquez contended. “What we have is a pile of problematic charges that are wild, beyond ridiculous and impossible.”


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Ms. Heard’s attorneys portrayed observers who said she had educated them concerning the maltreatment. Mr. Rottenborn played a video of Mr. Depp irately pummeling kitchen cupboards and showed legal hearers a text in which the entertainer told Ms. Heard’s dad he had gone “excessively far in our battle.” He then showed the jury a photograph of Ms. Heard with a red blemish all over later, she said, Mr. Depp flung a telephone at her. Elaine Charlson Bredehoft, one more of her legal counselors, reminded the jury about a measurable clinician who vouched for checking on a specialist’s notes — which were not placed into proof — that reflect contemporaneous reports from Ms. Heard where she grumbled of sexual maltreatment.

“A decision against Amber here communicates something specific that regardless of what you do, as a maltreatment casualty, you generally need to accomplish more,” Mr. Rottenborn said. “Regardless of what you archive, you generally need to report more. Regardless of whom you tell, you generally need to tell more individuals.”

Johnny Depp’s Libel Case Against Amber Heard
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In the court. A criticism preliminary including the previously hitched entertainers Johnny Depp and Amber Heard just closed in Fairfax County Circuit Court in Virginia. This is what to be familiar with the situation:

The case. Mr. Depp brought a slander body of evidence against Ms. Heard with an end goal to demonstrate his innocence from homegrown maltreatment claims that she has made against him and that he denies. The jury is likewise thinking about a countersuit from Ms. Heard, who guarantees that Mr. Depp stigmatized her when his previous legal counselor said her homegrown maltreatment claims were a “lie.”

Ms. Heard’s commentary. Mr. Depp’s suit was documented in light of a commentary Ms. Heard composed for The Washington Post in 2018 in which she portrayed herself as a “well known person addressing homegrown maltreatment.” Though she didn’t specify her previous spouse’s name, he and his legal counselors have contended that she was plainly alluding to their relationship.

The finish of their marriage. Ms. Heard petitioned for legal separation in 2016, a little more than a year after the pair had hitched. She likewise got a transitory controlling request against the entertainer subsequent to blaming him for hitting her. She later pulled out that case, and in January 2017, the couple consented to a $7 million separation settlement.

A prior maligning case. The preliminary follows one more case Mr. Depp got London in 2020 against The Sun paper, which considered him a “spouse blender” in a title. In that preliminary, an adjudicator observed that there was proof that he had attacked Ms. Heard over and again.

The homegrown maltreatment claims. In the 2020 preliminary, Ms. Heard blamed her previous spouse for attacking her most memorable in 2013, after they started dating, and itemized different examples in which he slapped her, head-butted her and tossed her to the ground. Mr. Depp has since blamed her for punching him, kicking him and tossing objects at him.

The decision. Following a six-week preliminary, the jury tracked down Mr. Depp was stigmatized by Ms. Heard in her commentary, yet additionally that she had been stigmatized by one of his attorneys. Mr. Depp was granted $15 million in compensatory and reformatory harms, however the appointed authority covered the correctional harms complete as per lawful cutoff points for a sum of $10.35 million. The jury granted Ms. Heard $2 million in punitive fees.

The distribution that is at the core of Mr. Depp’s protest is Ms. Heard’s commentary, which was led and ready by the American Civil Liberties Union. Ms. Heard didn’t name Mr. Depp in the article, however he has contended that it plainly implied their relationship, harmed his standing and “crushed” his acting vocation.

The jury is additionally accused of deciding if Mr. Depp slandered Ms. Heard in 2020 when a legal counselor addressing him offered expressions trying to dishonor her maltreatment allegations, including one that charged Ms. Heard and her companions of setting Mr. Depp up when one of them called the police to the couple’s home. (Prior to the call, Ms. Heard affirmed, Mr. Depp had tossed a telephone at her at short proximity, smacking her in the face, which Mr. Depp denies.)

Ms. Heard’s claim declared that Mr. Depp, through those proclamations, “sent off a cross country crusade” to ruin her. Mr. Depp affirmed that he had not seen the explanations at issue until the claim was recorded.

In a past preliminary in London, an adjudicator tracked down that Mr. Depp had attacked Ms. Heard more than once all through their relationship. The 2020 preliminary in Britain rotated around a claim Mr. Depp documented against News Group Newspapers, the distributers

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