Amber Heard’s Photos Were Edited for Sure According to Metadata Expert

Actress Amber Heard , who accuses ex-husband Johnny Depp of having assaulted her, allegedly altered photos used as evidence for the alleged abuse. The information comes from metadata expert Bryan Neumeister, who was summoned to court where the legal dispute between the two artists takes place.

Serving as a witness for Depp’s defense last Wednesday (25), Neumeister points out that the images used by Heard during the trial, may have been treated – he points out the encoding of the files as secondary versions, which would have gone through software. after the original capture by the device — more specifically a cell phone with iOS system.

The Johnny Depp and Amber Heard case
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have been fighting in justice since 2016. Both accuse each other of violence and during the trials, the actors exposed absurd scenes, ranging from violence to threats and feces in the bed referenced by Chris Rock.

Heard, it is worth noting, has repeatedly denied allegations that he defecated in Depp’s bed. “This is absolutely disgusting. I can’t imagine which adult would do that,” Heard said during a hearing with the British Supreme Court held in 2020.

In addition to being cut from Pirates of the Caribbean 6, Depp was also dropped from the Fantastic Beasts franchise, where he was replaced by Mads Mikkelsen. On Heard’s side, a petition to cut her from Aquaman 2 has surpassed 3 million signatures .

Johnny Depp found “human feces” on his bed following a contention with Amber Heard during his maligning preliminary against the entertainer on Wednesday.

The entertainer stood up for a second day at court in Fairfax County, Va., relating the “twisted” second his safety officer, Sean Bett, sent him a photo of excrement on his side of the bed. Back in April 2016, Depp said he and Heard had a contention during her birthday celebration. He looked for from the marriage and later went to recover his effects at their common home while Heard was at Coachella, he affirmed, yet said that Bett exhorted him that it was anything but a great time.

“I had gotten some news,” Depp said. “I was shown an image of what the issue was. I had gone to Mr. Bett and expressed, ‘She’s at Coachella. I believe it’s a great opportunity to go midtown so I can get a portion of my things and get them out of there,’ particularly things that were valuable to me… furthermore, he said, ‘I don’t believe this moment’s a decent opportunity to go.’ And I thought, ‘It’s the ideal time. She won’t be home for two days.’ Then he showed me a photo on his phone of… it was a photo of our bed, and on my side of the bed, was human feces.”

Johnny Depp in court
He proceeded, “I comprehended the reason why it was anything but a great opportunity to go down there. My underlying reaction to that was, I mean… I chuckled. It was so outside. The fact that I could giggle makes it so odd thus bizarre. So I didn’t go down there that day.” Depp said he moved toward Heard about a separation not excessively lengthy subsequent to, telling her that he wouldn’t refer to hopeless contrasts or the savagery, that “we just don’t have any desire to feel we have a collar around one another’s necks” and “need to end this with adoration and take the possibility of responsibility for one more good and gone.”

“I figure she comprehended as well as I did it was basically impossible that back,” Depp proceeded. “I likewise felt she would comprehend it was ideal for the two of us.” Heard then raised the defecation and “attempted to put it on the canines,” as per Depp. “They’re teacup Yorkies. They weigh around 4 pounds each. The photo that I saw — I lived with those canines for a long time. It was not the canines… I didn’t feel like I merited that sort of treatment.”

Depp described similar occurrence during his slander claim against The Sun in 2020, where he retaliated against the British paper’s portrayal of him as a “tank top.” He said at that point, “I felt that was a strangely fitting termination to the friendship.” The entertainer at last lost that claim.

In Virginia, Depp is suing Heard for $50 million over her 2018 Washington Post commentary that chronicled her encounters as an aggressive behavior at home survivor. However Heard never referenced Depp by name, his attorneys kept up with the reference to Depp was clear and that the commentary harmed his vocation and notoriety. The two met on the arrangement of 2011’s The Rum Diary and marry in 2015. Heard petitioned for legal separation from Depp in 2016, documenting an abusive behavior at home limiting request against him and blaming him for truly and obnoxiously manhandling her during “rough and unstable” episodes. Depp has denied the claims.

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