Author: admin

11 Habits of a Real Confident Woman

When you hear ‘confident woman’ most people will automatically have the image of someone they resonate within their mind. This person is easily noticed, they portray success and they radiate happiness. They are your perfect picture of ‘confidence’. Self confidence isn’t something you just ‘have’. It’s something that takes work to achieve and then it’s […]

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39 Signs You Don’t Want to Be With Your Girlfriend Anymore

Are you wondering whether it’s time to break up with your girlfriend? This can be a difficult question to answer for yourself. After all, perhaps you’ve heard that relationships are supposed to be difficult sometimes. Maybe you’re worried about throwing away a relationship which could be improved and made truly great? It’s a dilemma that […]

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Who wears the pants in a relationship matters especially if you’re a woman

When it comes to power in romantic relationships, men are often cast as dominant and women as deferential. But working against this are caricatures of domineering women with their “hen-pecked husbands” and “whipped boyfriends.” At the same time, popular culture is replete with representations of striving and self-serving women – from celebrities like Beyoncé to […]

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