Eva Green says she fully supports Johnny Depp in his trial with Amber Heard

Eva Green Backs Johnny Depp In Public Statement (Alamy)

The French entertainer featured close by him in the 2012 film Dark Shadows, and said she is sure he will be justified.

Depp is right now amidst a slander body of evidence against his ex over an article she wrote in 2018, in which Heard guaranteed that she was an overcomer of homegrown maltreatment.

While Depp wasn’t named explicitly, he is suing the Aquaman star for $50 million over charges of a deficiency of profit. Thusly, Heard is countersuing him for $100m.

Yet, while the couple’s relationship has been worked out in the media, with a progression of upsetting cases being made, Green says she remains by Depp.

Sharing a photograph of them both from an honorary pathway occasion, Green stated: “I have no question Johnny will arise with his great name and brilliant heart uncovered to the world, and life will be preferable over it at any point was for himself as well as his loved ones.”

This week, a video affidavit from one of Depp’s ex-accomplices was played to the court.

Ellen Barkin dated the Pirates of The Caribbean star during the 90s, and said there were a ton of issues with his drinking and medication use.

She additionally reviewed a quarrel among Depp and a companion in a lodging in Las Vegas, asserting he tossed a wine bottle across the room.

While it didn’t hit anybody, Barkin said he tossed it toward her.

“He’s simply a desirous man, controlling,” she said. “‘Where are you going? Who are you going with? What did you truly do the previous evening?’

“I had a scratch on my back once that got him incredibly, irate on the grounds that he demanded that it came from me having intercourse with an individual who wasn’t him.”

Johnny Depp and Ellen Barkin dated during the 90s. Credit: Alamy
Johnny Depp and Ellen Barkin dated during the 90s. Credit: Alamy
Barkin’s remarks come after Heard asserted during her declaration that Depp had tossed bottles at her previously.

Golden Heard Admits She Struck Johnny Depp Multiple Times During Fights
Film and TV
Golden Heard Admits She Struck Johnny Depp Multiple Times During Fights
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She likewise guaranteed that Depp physically attacked her with one.

Heard reviewed: “I recollect not having any desire to move since I couldn’t say whether it was broken – I couldn’t say whether the jug that he had inside me was broken.

“I was unable to feel it. I didn’t feel torment. I didn’t feel torment. I felt nothing. … I glanced around and I saw such a lot of broken glass… I simply recall thinking, ‘Satisfy God, please. I trust it’s not broken’.”

Depp, in any case, has denied truly mishandling Heard, guaranteeing rather that he was the casualty of maltreatment in the relationship.

He told the court during his declaration that she put cigarettes out all over and cut off his finger when she tossed a vodka bottle at him in 2015.

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