How do I get the mental power to ask a girl out?

By realizing that if you don’t, you made the answer “No.”

So, if you don’t ask her out, the answer is 100% no, but if you do ask her out, there is some chance that it could be “Yes.”

You have nothing to lose by asking, you only have increased your chances of gaining something you didn’t have before.

When you are ready to accept that she may say no, but that this is the same as not asking her, you will probably be ready to ask her out.

Let’s evaluate this technique:
Some guys think it is embarrassing to be told “No” so they would rather avoid the embarrassment. So let me clue you in: girls like to be asked out. Even if they don’t want to go out with you. So, if you ask her out, she will not be angry with you, unless she already dislikes you.


If you think it is possible that she already dislikes you, try this “test”: When you are in a place that isn’t too loud or crowded, stand a few feet away from her (like 6 or 7 feet, a bit farther than most people stand to talk to someone) and say “Hi” and smile. If she looks at you, waiting for you to say more, have some question ready. Any question, like, “Did the teacher say the test was on Wednesday or Thursday?” Something you are sure she can answer. If she steps toward you at all to answer you, then she doesn’t already dislike you. If a girl dislikes you, she will keep her distance, even if you are a bit too far away. If she walks closer, by a few steps, she probably likes you, anyway, at least as a friend.

As long as she doesn’t dislike you, you do not need to be embarrassed if she says no, because she will be happy to have been asked.

You will get ahold of this power when you realise that, the girl could be waiting for you to ask her out already. Maybe she’s been waiting for months.

Girls are just like guys, with a few little differences :-).
It does take some will to ask a girl out. You’ve had some suggestions here on how to prepare to ask her out, and that’s a start. But you really do have to make up your mind to act. And you are risking rejection, but it is a small rejection (if you adopt this mindset) and I am sure you can handle it.

Meaning they have a sense of humor too
they have feelings
they feel pain and sorrow, just like you
they are NOT stupid, you can talk to them about politics, the upcoming championship baseball match or the new blockbuster movies.
If you are used to talking to girls, in general, then the step to casually asking a certain girl to hang out with you is not so formidable anymore.

If you talk to them, you can see them up close, they smell nice and have these wonderful sparkly eyes.

Do yourself a favor and practice talking and getting used to them.
You don’t not ed guts to do thus…
U really love her?
If yes…give it a shot…don’t hesitate…
I just proposed my ex…I was actually going through the fear of rejection but I had to tell him because in the end I cannot go to sleep with a regret that I didn’t tell him.
Never regret your decisions…tell her….you will feel that your heavy heart has actually lost some weight.
Just do it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

The girl only has two possible answers. Yes and no. There are various ways she can express both a yes and a no answer but they all boil down to just yes and no. If you never ask, you are guaranteed 100% a no. If you do ask, she might say no. But, she might say yes.

So, as you can see, the situation cannot get any worse. By not having asked her out yet, you are already sitting on a no answer. However, asking her out might earn you a yes.

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