Despite saying he would never play Jack Sparrow again in the Pirates of the Caribbean films , actor Johnny Depp has shown himself to be attached to Disney’s eternal drunken pirate. During his trip to court for one of the sessions that aims to resolve the legal conflict with his ex-partner and also actress Amber Heard , the American actor was stopped by fans, who declared their support for the artist.


When a fan tells Depp that he “will always be Captain Jack Sparrow”, the actor responds by mimicking the character: “He’s still out there somewhere. I see him from time to time. He pops in from time to time.”

Before that, Depp has his hair praised by fans and then he shows the hairstyle to the group. Watch the full video below:

a fan tells johnny depp he will always be captain jack sparrow and he responds with jack’s voice 😭

— Maria (@jxnsmanager) May 18, 2022
The Johnny Depp and Amber Heard case
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have been fighting in justice since 2016. Both accuse each other of violence and during the trials, the actors exposed absurd scenes, ranging from violence to threats and feces in the bed referenced by Chris Rock.

Heard, it is worth noting, has repeatedly denied allegations that he defecated in Depp’s bed. “This is absolutely disgusting. I can’t imagine which adult would do that,” Heard said during a hearing with the British Supreme Court held in 2020.

In addition to being cut from Pirates of the Caribbean 6, Depp was also dropped from the Fantastic Beasts franchise, where he was replaced by Mads Mikkelsen. On Heard’s side, a petition to cut her from Aquaman 2 has surpassed 3 million signatures .

In the viral video, one of the fans can be heard exclaiming: “You will always be our Captain Jack Sparrow!”. Depp then responds in the iconic voice of the character, who is probably Disney’s drunkest and most rebellious.

“He’s still somewhere. I see him from time to time. He shows up sometimes,” says Depp, in a voice that fans of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise know well.

The fan who interacted talking about “Jack Sparrow” ends by telling Depp that the fans love him and the actor reciprocates with “I love you”. Then the vehicle goes to court.

The legal dispute between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has resumed in the last week, with both bringing their witnesses. Meanwhile, who has drawn attention in recent days has been Depp’s lawyer, Camille Vasquez.

Camille, who specializes in this type of dispute but has never defended a celebrity, went viral questioning Heard. A lot of people made memes and said they would like to have her as a lawyer.

The lawsuit was filed by Depp after Heard wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post claiming he was a victim of domestic abuse. According to the actor, the text resulted in his exclusion from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise .

It was that editorial that prompted Depp to file the defamation suit against Heard for damage to his career and set off all the developments we’ve been following.

The trial is expected to close in the next few days.

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