Johnny Depp’s Lawyer Lists Numerous Wild Allegations In Closing Statement Friday 27 May

Shutting contentions were made on Friday (27 May) during Johnny Depp’s $50m criticism preliminary against his ex Amber Heard.

Each side will have two hours to sum up their case as the six-week preliminary approaches its end. Depp’s legitimate group were first up to give their end contentions, with the entertainer’s legal advisor Camille Vasquez calling Heard a ‘profoundly disturbed individual’.

Vasquez asserted the Aquaman star is ‘frantic for consideration and endorsement’ while reprimanding her ‘wild claims’ against Depp, blaming Heard for ‘doctoring’ injury pictures and ‘lying’.

Vasquez told members of the jury: “Miss Heard struck a blow against Mr. Depp that was more harming than any actual blow she had at any point landed, when she strolled into court a long time back today on May 27, 2016.”

Shutting contentions were made on Friday (27 May) during Johnny Depp’s maligning preliminary. Credit: Law and Crime Network
She added: “[Depp] set out to leave Miss Heard, he was finished. Also, when Miss Heard discovered that Mr Depp was done, that she was truly losing him, she went on the assault.

“She petitioned for legal separation before Mr Depp could. Then, at that point, as you Heard from Mr Depp’s separation legal counselor, Miss Heard sent a letter, requesting monetary help. What’s more, when her requests weren’t met, Miss Heard struck a blow against Mr Depp when she strolled into court [in 2016] to get an abusive behavior at home controlling request against Mr Depp.”

Vasquez went on: “She did as such before paparazzi with an imprint all over. The proof introduced at this preliminary exhibits that Miss Heard didn’t simply need a separation, she needed to destroy him.”

She expressed it really depends on members of the jury to ‘consider Miss Heard responsible for her falsehoods’, adding: “What is in question in this preliminary is a man’s decent name. Much more than that, what’s in question in this preliminary is a man’s life.”

Vasquez went on: “There is a victimizer in this court, yet it isn’t Mr. Depp. There is a casualty of aggressive behavior at home in this court, yet it isn’t Miss Heard.”

Vasquez likewise surmised that Heard purposely introduced doctored pictures of misuse, saying: “These photographs were taken at precisely the same time, and have precisely the same record name. Yet, they are outwardly unique.”

She told the court: “What we have is a heap of charges that are wild, preposterous and farfetched. You can’t single out which of these wild claims to accept and which ones to ignore.

“You either trust every last bit of it or none of it. Either Mr. Depp attacked Miss Heard with a container in Australia, or Miss Heard got up on that stand, before every one of you, and made up that horrendous story of misuse.”

Vasquez went on: “Possibly she’s a survivor of really terrible maltreatment, or she’s a lady who will say without question, anything. It is upsetting to believe that Miss Heard would make up the horrendous stories of misuse that she vouched for in this court.”

Judge Penney Azcarate said in court that for the jury to arrive at a good decision for Heard, they should decide the assertions made by Adam Waldman were done as such with real malignance.

Heard has now countersued for $100 million, guaranteeing Depp has criticized her and described her maltreatment charges as a lie.

Heard’s claim revolves around her case that Depp stigmatized her by means of explanations made to the press by Waldman, his lawyer.

It was in those proclamations that Waldman called Heard’s claims a ‘fabrication’ and an ‘snare’ coordinated by Heard and her companions.

Depp is suing his ex north of a 2018 Washington Post commentary she composed, in which he guarantees she stigmatized him by recommending he was harmful towards her, regardless of the entertainer never referencing him by name.

Alluding to the commentary, Judge Azcarate said members of the jury should peruse the whole article and can’t hold onto on any ‘single word, expression or picture’.

To favor Depp on these focuses, attendants should see that as Heard acted with information that the assertion was bogus.

When Heard’s group gives their end contention, jury thoughts will start and are supposed to extend into the following week.

The six-week preliminary started on 11 April and has seen various observers take to the stand at Circuit Court in Fairfax County.

Depp affirmed he has never hit Heard nor ‘any lady in [his] life’ during the preliminary, while Heard confessed to striking the Pirates of the Caribbean star on different events, however demanded it was exclusively to ‘protect [her]self’.

When the jury goes into consultation, hearers should choose: “Did Amber Heard stigmatize Johnny Depp in a 2018 commentary article for The Washington Post?”

The preliminary has seen various observers take to the stand at Circuit Court in Fairfax County, Virginia.

Any semblance of clinicians – who have remarked on Heard’s psychological state – and Depp’s guardians – who affirmed about the entertainer’s medication use – have all taken to the stand.

Depp’s ex Kate Moss even seemed through video connect to affirm on an occurrence that happened when the pair were on vacation in Jamaica.

Greenery told the court she was never pushed down a bunch of steps during her vacation with her then-beau, yet all the same rather slipped.

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